Careers Programme

As a school we have a statutory and moral duty to provide students in Years 8 to 11 with careers education, information, advice and guidance. This is extended at Mercia Academy to include Year 7.

Guidance takes place within the curriculum and with one to one interviews. Please liaise with Mrs C Copley regarding your child's interview. Interview slots are communicated via your child's form tutor although we actively encourage Parental involvement in this process.

You are entitled to;

  • clear advice and information about ALL the options available, so that you understand what they involve
  • support and guidance to help you make choices and complete a career plan for the future
  • regular personal support on information on how well you are doing
  • help to decide what to do when you leave your course, including further learning, training and employment
  • a programme of careers education helping you develop skills and knowledge to make choices and the transition to work and learning
  • the opportunity to be involved in making decisions about things that effect your learning
  • an opportunity to set out an individual learning plan, and
  • an opportunity to learn about the world of work

Careers preparation, called Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is taught to all years within the school. As a snapshot of the curriculum, the main elements are:

Year 7

Students receive a taught module within our RISE lessons regarding self-awareness and Careers information matching. CEIAG supports access to information and advice from an earlier age, enabling better informed decisions at transition stages. Careers work can also be seen to raise aspirations and improve motivation to participate in education or training as a lifelong development. Our RISE assessment framework ensures that students are introduced to employability skills from the start of their journey at Mercia Academy as they are taught to reflect and target set against criteria based on these skills.

Year 8

This is extended to the matching of Careers information to personal strengths, skills and attributes in making realistic and well informed decisions about future careers, courses and pathways. CEIAG supports access to information and advice from an earlier age, enabling better informed decisions at transition stages. Careers work can raise aspirations and improve motivation to participate in education or training as a lifelong development. Assessment at Year 8 in RISE continues to be centred on self-reflection of employability skills and developing students’ ability to set goals and work towards achieving them.

Year 9

Options post Key Stage 4 are explored, and the Year 8 work on self-awareness and decision making is developed. Skills for employment continue to be an assessment focus and financial understanding is added to the curriculum so that economic awareness is developed.

Year 10

We explore Post 16 options in more detail and interview skills with each student having opportunities to practically develop their interview technique. Work Related Learning also starts as students complete work experience. Work related skills alongside financial and economic competency are further developed.

Year 11

Apprenticeships, College and Sixth Form options are further explored, as are interview techniques and decision making. Awareness of the options available is a key area of study, as students begin to apply to various Post 16 opportunities. Work related skills alongside financial and economic competency are further developed.

Examples of Careers guidance, trips and events offered at Mercia Academy:

Year 7

  • Arts Inspiration - Cultural Derby - exploration of arts venues and the careers of people that work there
  • Skill Share TRIOS – building leadership skills as each person teaches a group of peers
  • Active Citizenship – Set up form team with business job roles & run a market stall fundraising for a local charity / school project decided by students
  • Derby Uni speakers & visit to campus

Year 8

  • Derby Uni speakers – why Higher Education inspiration talks
  • Small Basic – Careers in Code
  • Circular Economy – Gibber & Plastic Bottle Campaign - Dragon’s Den
  • Year 9
  • Regional Careers Fair
  • Derby University Visitors – guidance around options choice
  • Options
  • EconoME – Bank of England Barclays life skills Budgeting lessons WA Currency

Years 10 & 11

  • Supplemented by assemblies
  • Work Experience introduction
  • National Careers Fair
  • Careers & RE focus
  • Work, Work, Work Unit – preparation of CVs, Personal Statements, Understanding of different Post 16 option routes, Interviews with local professionals
  • Derby Uni visit to campus
  • Sexual Harassment & Discrimination in the workplace including religious viewpoint of careers
  • Work Experience
  • Assemblies & interviews
  • Post 16 providers & apprenticeships
  • Money Skills lessons – Debt, Money & Work, Financial Risk, Future of Work